A healthy diet and exercise offer a great start on your journey to total health…

New Year RESET: Starting 2022 with a Life-Changing Detox
Millions of Americans set New Year’s resolutions. While we encourage these commitments, the sad truth is that the vast majority fall off within a matter of days. Our RESET detox program, led by Total Nutrition & Therapeutics’ very own Lori Esarey, is the perfect way to build lasting habits for healthy living. What better way to start off the New Year than clearing countless toxins from your body and improving your metabolism?
In our first big detox blog, we provided readers with an in-depth look at what makes Total Nutrition & Therapeutics’ detox program so special. Grown from organic thoughts and ingredients, Lori and her longtime detox partner, Kelly Engelmann, took ten years to build upon their ideas and create this life-changing program. This month’s RESET program offers you a chance to join others in their journey toward total health and nutrition.
Reset Your Body, Mind & Spirit
Lori has led dozens of clients through her patented detox program. RESET allows you to participate in Total Nutrition’s detox by following our patented program.
More than anything, our RESET detox gives you a chance to really hone in on what it is you want along your journey toward better health and nutrition.
The Big WHY
Here at Total Nutrition & Therapeutics, we firmly believe awareness is one of the pillars to happiness. Knowing why we want to engage in RESET and complete the detox is just as important as completing it.
Total Nutrition’s 21-Day RESET was created to help you become the best version of yourself. One of the most important elements in accomplishing this goal is discovering just why you want this. Whether you’re looking to feel better on a daily basis or feel more confident about your body, our RESET program is here to help you better understand your why.
Whatever your BIG WHY may be, we want to be a part of helping you find it and make it a reality.
The Big WHAT
That being said, we wouldn’t have created this program if there weren’t tangible benefits. Lori has promoted through the RESET program many such benefits, the most important of all being the radical change that detox effects in your life.
Participating in RESET on your own allows you the same benefits. But there’s nothing like participating with an expert guiding the way. By signing up for Total Nutrition & Therapeutics’ RESET, you will enjoy:
- A structured plan
- Real food
- Medical grade shakes with supplements
- *Daily communication and meal planning*
- *World-class direction and coaching*
Additionally, you will receive supportive and educational content that you can incorporate into your life in the months and years following our RESET detox program. Here at Total Nutrition, we recommend a quarterly detox to maintain efficient metabolism and nutritional absorption.
Regardless, it’s still crucial that you determine exactly why you want to participate. Our detox program tends to elicit deeper motives to change the way they feel, think, and live. You’ll discover more motivation and lessons about themselves along the way. We recommend, prior to starting RESET, creating a list of reasons you’ve decided to make this change in order to better help us understand what your individual goals are.
Reviewing The Detox
Building The Right Habits
During the reset process, Lori will lead you through a 21-day metabolic reset cleanse using our food-first approach to healing and long-term health and wellness. Total Nutrition created the program to last 21 days because that’s how long it takes to build a habit. We want you to walk away from RESET with the muscle memory and tools to continue eating, exercising, and thinking healthy.
Leveraging Knowledge & Experience
In the most basic sense, detoxifying unburdens you from the ‘gunk and junk’ accreted while breathing, eating, drinking, and being. The detox provides the body greater and more efficient methods in excreting food and toxins.
You’re always detoxing. Your body cleans through defecating, urinating, sweating, etc. Detoxing, on the other hand, involves magnifying these processes for a period of time to help reset the body. We accomplish this by introducing an anti-inflammatory diet and increasing water intake to offload toxic waste, for around 21 days.
It’s All About The Bowels
The hard truth is that the majority of our health issues arise from putrefaction, as waste lingers along our digestive tract. Don’t worry, the RESET program won’t be sending you to the bathroom a dozen times a day. Far from that, you’re far more likely to actually experience normal bowel movements than ever before!
Your bowel movements play an important role in your detoxification process, but perspiration, urination, and respiration also play a significant part. Different toxins are eliminated in different ways, which is why it’s crucial for you to understand how each works.
Why You Need A RESET
By simple virtue of living in the United States of America, you’re in need of our RESET detox program. The industrial food complex and work culture make it extremely difficult to maintain what the health experts across the country define as a healthy lifestyle. Another way to look at it is whether you check any of these boxes:
- Frequent traveling
- Brain fog
- Poor energy
- In a ‘funk’
- Feeling sluggish
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Weight gain
- Bloating
- GI distress
- Feeling older than you really are
- Scoring high on the Medical Symptoms Qure (MSQ) symptom questionnaire
Total Nutrition & Therapeutics emphasizes the practice of functional medicine. The best way to describe functional medicine is that it looks at health from the perspective of your entire lifestyle, from the way you eat to the way you sleep. Join us this January as we dive headlong into the RESET program!
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Tens of millions of Americans will make New Year’s resolutions for 2022. A plurality of these resolutions will be a variation of getting in shape, losing weight, and being healthier. Total Nutrition & Therapeutics’ January RESET program is a detox meant not only to get you on the right track, but also to keep you on it. Visit our website for more information on how our patented detox program can boost your metabolism, instill more awareness and motivation, and build lasting healthy habits.